

Namespace: Cimfu.Suave

A module providing service healthcheck functions for a Suave application.

Nested types and modules


Represents the health of a service.


The function signature for a health evaluator: unit -> Async<HealthStatus>. Conversion of a HealthEvaluator to a Healthcheck can be done by using the evaluateToHealthcheck function.


Represents a health status without any timing context.


A switch associated with a healthcheck which can be set to return Healthy when enabled and Unhealthy when disabled.


The function signature for a healthcheck: unit -> Async<HealthcheckResult>.


The result of running a healthcheck; combines a Health with an optional status message.


A set of core healthchecks.


Several internal functions that are not commonly used by consumers of this library.


Timing module. Used to provide values for test duration and time of tests.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
Signature: string

The default healthcheck root path for handlers whose path isn't specified: /healthcheck.

doHealthcheck hcMap
Signature: hcMap:Map<string,Healthcheck> -> WebPart

Evaluates a specified set of healthchecks and returns a new HttpContext representing the serialized result.

evaluateHealthchecks hcMap
Signature: hcMap:Map<string,Healthcheck> -> Async<AggregateHealthcheckResult>

Asynchronously evaluates a set of healthchecks.

evaluateToHealthcheck he
Signature: he:HealthEvaluator -> Healthcheck

Asynchronously maps a HealthEvaluator and to a HealthcheckResult.

handleHealthcheck hcMap
Signature: hcMap:Map<string,Healthcheck> -> WebPart

Handles healthcheck requests

handleHealthcheckAt (...)
Signature: healthcheckRoot:string -> hcMap:Map<string,Healthcheck> -> WebPart

Handles healthcheck requests at healthcheckRoot

prefixWithHealthcheck hcMap app
Signature: hcMap:Map<string,Healthcheck> -> app:WebPart<HttpContext> -> WebPart<HttpContext>

Attaches a healthcheck endpoint as a prefix to a Suave WebPart handling all requests for paths starting with "/healthcheck".

An app may be fluently pipelined into this function.

prefixWithHealthcheckAt (...)
Signature: healthcheckRoot:string -> hcMap:Map<string,Healthcheck> -> app:WebPart<HttpContext> -> WebPart<HttpContext>

Attaches a healthcheck endpoint as a prefix to a Suave WebPart handling all requests for paths starting with rootPath.

An app may be fluently pipelined into this function.

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