

Namespace: Cimfu.Suave
Parent Module: Healthcheck

Several internal functions that are not commonly used by consumers of this library.

Nested types and modules


Represents an aggregate result of several evaluated healthchecks.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
allowGetOrHeadOnly app
Signature: app:WebPart -> WebPart

Only allows GET or HEAD requests to be passed on to app. Handles all other requests by responding with 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED.

doHealthcheckWith (...)
Signature: getResults:('?7278 -> Async<AggregateHealthcheckResult>) -> healthchecks:'?7278 -> ctx:HttpContext -> Async<HttpContext option>
Type parameters: '?7278

A Suave WebPart which will evaluate a set of healthchecks using the specified evaluator.

evaluateHealthchecksWith (...)
Signature: tsSettings:TimingSettings -> hcMap:Map<string,Healthcheck> -> Async<AggregateHealthcheckResult>

Asynchronously evaluates a set of healthchecks with the specified timing settings and healthcheck evaluator.

evaluateMappedHealthcheck (k, hc)
Signature: (k:'?7275 * hc:Healthcheck) -> Async<'?7275 * HealthcheckResult>
Type parameters: '?7275

Asynchronously evaluates a healthcheck and associates the resulting data with its key.

evaluateToHealthcheckWith (...)
Signature: tsSettings:TimingSettings -> he:HealthEvaluator -> unit -> Async<HealthcheckResult>

Asynchronously maps a HealthEvaluator and to a HealthcheckResult using the timing settings from tsSettings.

handleHealthcheckWith (...)
Signature: healthcheckHandler:WebPart -> healthcheckRoot:string -> WebPart

Handles healthcheck requests to the healthcheckRoot with the specified healthcheckHandler

healthcheckHandler (...)
Signature: doHealthcheckWith:('?7281 -> HttpContext -> Async<HttpContext option>) -> hcMap:'?7281 -> WebPart
Type parameters: '?7281

Evaluates the healthchecks specified in hcMap and attaches the appropriate headers onto the response.

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